Youness Khoukhou/dance

The Moroccan Brussels based dancer Youness Khoukhou studied dance at n P.A.R.T.S. He danced in the performance ‘Soleils’ by Pierre Droulers. With Charleroi Danses he created his new dance performance, in wich tge dichotomy between the 'individual' and the 'collective' play an important role. 

by / with

Concept and choreography: Youness Khoukhou
Dansers: Radouan Mriziga, Meri Pajunpää, Youness Khoukhou
Light and sound: Benoit Pelé
Coproduction Charleroi Danses, Les Brigitinnes, Moussem Nomadic Arts Center
With the support of: Koning Boudewijnfonds, Summer Studios Rosas

in collaboration with

The Moroccan Brussels based dancer Youness Khoukhou studied dance at n P.A.R.T.S. He danced in the performance ‘Soleils’ by Pierre Droulers. With Charleroi Danses he created his new dance performance, in wich tge dichotomy between the 'individual' and the 'collective' play an important role. 

dance / moussem co-production

16/10/16 - 20:00
Charlerloi Danse - Boulevard Mayence 65 C, 6000 Charlerloi
15/10/16 - 20:00
Charlerloi Danse - Boulevard Mayence 65 C, 6000 Charlerloi